The Upload Web Site dialog box enables you to upload your site to a FTP server.

FTP Server Name or Address. Enter the name or address of the FTP server where you want your site to be uploaded.
For example:

User Login. Enter your login. If you do not know your login, contact your Web hosting provider/ISP for assistance.

Password. Enter your password. You can set your password to be remembered by checking the Remember Password check box.
Caution: Enabling this option may affect your security. Anyone with access to your PC may open WebShop, corrupt your files, then upload the corrupt files to your Web site.

Upload Path. Enter the path or directory on the server where you want your site files are to be placed.
For Example: for a Web store with the URL, the FTP Server Address is: Upload path would be: /webstore.

Clear the Upload Data Bases check, if you do not want the data bases from your project to be uploaded to the server. This is useful when you change the design of some pages, but have the data bases to remain unchanged on you server. The data bases will not replace the exisiting ones on the server.

To begin the process of uploading, click the Upload button.